I stumbled across this show by accident. Missed the first two episodes. Now I am hooked on HEROES. A group of people who suddenly develop "super" powers. They must learn to develop and control their new abilities and they must somehow unite to avert a catastrophe. Within this framework are 3 secondary plots and 9 subplots. You have to really watch each minute. A trip down the hallway would miss the weaving of all the storylines together. Next week is the last new episode until after the first of the year.
Does anyone else enjoy this show?
It plays on NBC-TV on Monday night and is rebroadcast on the Sci-Fi Channel on Friday night. Check your local listings for time and channel. (LOL - I've always wanted to say that)
The only exciting period of my day was my weekly dinner date with Judy. Went back to Fred's. The service there is very good and the food is delicious. But it is still an Anglo interpretation of real Mexican food. The ambience is cheerful. Judy is deathly allergic to shellfish and fish, so our dining locations are limited. Her food cannot even come into contact with any surface or utensil that has been used in the preparation of seafood. Thats how allergic she is. She carries a double hypo of adrenalin in her purse. She's had a couple of near misses.After dinner, it was a bit of shopping and then back to her place for some tea and TV.
Pleasant evening.
The first four images below were painted by Edward Bailey. A missionary teacher from Massachusetts. His paintings are a detailed and accurate record of Maui in the 19th Century.THE PICTURE GALLERY

"Let's all be careful out there!"