8 of my 9 runs were residents, a shift from the normal mix. Everyone tipped okay and some nicely, which was the only salvation to a very lackluster night.
Our local "blue meanies" have commenced a crackdown on speeding and reckless driving. They have set up their "speed-traps" in all the usual (and well known) locations. Which are not where the fatal accidents which prompted this enhanced enforcement occurred. Typical fixed mindset. It is nice to see marked cars on the road, though, doing something. Our local officers typically spend the vast majority of their time in the local District Station, doing whatever it is that they do. You seldom ever see them on patrol. The ones I have spoken with haven't admitted it but I believe this is part of a quiet policy to reduce operational costs (gasoline/petrol). I remember back in '73, the Arab oil embargo, we were strongly encouraged NOT to patrol. Only responding to dispatched assignments, which were usually gas theft complaints. The increased volume of crimes negated the anticipated savings in fuel costs.
MPD would do better in this latest crackdown if they saturated the areas of concern with higher visibility patrols. Unfortunately, the administration of MPD tends to discourage original thought and action.
9 fares / 78 miles / top end of the below $100 bracket
Check back tomorrow. It should be more active.Mahalo

"Let's all be careful out there!"