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Another pleasant Monday night. Picked Judy up from her place of work and then went and bought the daughter's birthday gift. She turns 34 today.HAPPY BIRTHDAY
Obviously, since she lives in California, her gift is going to arrive late. Its a Optimus digital camera. I added the 2GB memory stick. Her internet connection is on the fritz, so she won't be reading this immediately. I'll ship it out via UPS today, so she should have it by the weekend. Then, as soon as the internet problem is resolved, I'll start getting pics of her two sons on a more timely basis.
After that Judy and I went grocery shopping and then on to her place where I cooked the promised dinner. It was delicious. I only know how to cook for a small army, so there were enough leftovers to meet our dietary needs for the next couple of days, each.
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I use the free version of AVG for my virus protection. I see that starting 15 January, 2007, they will discontinue service for version 7.1. You can go to their website and download the new version 7.5.4 of their FREE anti-virus protection. For those of you using a pay service anti-virus system, you might consider replacing it with AVG when your next renewal comes up..
An Off-shore Rainbow

"Let's all be careful out there!"