I was sawing logs shortly after 10:00 PM. Woke up once about 3:30 AM and then crashed until after 7:00 AM. I haven't slept like that in years without being sick.
Talked to the 'daughter" yesterday evening. She is back on-line with a new PC. She is considerering getting a student loan and going for her LVN license. I hope she takes the leap. She has always been interested in nursing since she was a teenager but life's happenstance always seemed to put obstacles up.
Our conversation was extremely disjointed. As might be expected with a house-full of 14 year old boys and a 4 year old that wanted to be the center of attention.
Also spoke with my best friend, Fred. Fred is the guy who got me into driving a cab. He also forced me to be a bit more social. He returned to the mainland a few years back, returned here for about a year and then bought a 35 foot motorhome. Now he travels between his kids homes in the west and Pacific northwest. He is in his late 60's and wants to be close to his family for the remainder of his life. Considering his family history, he should make it into his 90's.
Nothing special going on in my part of the world. Beautiful weather, gorgeous vistas.
Did everybody remember the time change? Or were some of you an hour late today?
Have a great week!

Over The Limit?
Please don't drink and drive
Please don't drink and drive

"Let's all be careful out there!"