While Baby Boomers (those born between 1946 and 1965) are a major force, the Gen-X (1966-1985) is coming on strong. Two things working against the Democratic candidates is can America get over the stigma of electing a black or a woman to lead the nation. Sexism and racism are the soft undertone that nobody speaks of, for fear of being called a (fill in the blank)ist. McCain has a problem appealing to a populace that would identify him as a "grandfather". His war hero and POW status means something to the old farts but to Gen-X and Gen-Y (1986-2005) the Vietnam War doesn't even cover more than 2 paragraphs in today's history books. WWII takes about a page. Don't even ask about Korea. The contributions of the Silent Generation (1926-1945) go vastly ignored.
The sad thing is that whomever is victorious will inherit a quagmire of troubles. The same as President Hoover did in 1929. I am not sure that any person, let alone any government can resolve our troubles in 4 years. And, lets face it, have you ever seen any government, anywhere that didn't make things worse by sticking their fingers in? I haven't.
We are are running out of fuel, food and water. And these conditions make ripe the vulnerability of a regional epidemic becoming a global pandemic. It wouldn't even surprise me if some group, somewhere, is already in the process of developing such a strategy. And I don't mean terrorists. Instead, it would be a logical plan for the true leaders of the world, not the politicians, to conceive of such a cleansing. They have the power and resources. Hell, they control everything. They are the true "movers & shakers", not the clowns that we watch on TV.
In Washington, DC , come May 1st, you might want to contemplate alternative forms of transportation if you normally use a taxi. On that day, all DC cabs will be required to have taximeters, abandoning the decades old system of paying by the zone. Undoubtedly, some drivers will risk the $1,000 fine if they are caught operating illegally. A major problem is that there are not enough qualified/certified taximeter installers to convert all the licensed cabs in the next 8 days. Its going to be a "chinese fire drill" there for most of May.
Over The Limit?
Please don't drink and drive
Please don't drink and drive

"Let's all be careful out there!"