Wow !!!!
This has been a real mess.
My computer sat down and I bought a second hand one. A big mistake as it
has a mind of its own, passwords applied and unknown...
Cabs Are For Kissing: Why The Medallion Tanked
Cabs Are For Kissing: Why The Medallion Tanked: For several years now the
most talked-about topics of conversation with passengers have been Uber and
the f...
drawing the bluebrint out on all levels. Everything seems to be coliding,
but then again it always has.
Our life has a meaning we are the direction we set...
How Do I Get To Carnegie Hall?
I stopped for a couple of passengers the other day on the Upper West Side
who announced with some enthusiasm that their destination was Carnegie Hall.
I ...
Fifty Favorites, Number Forty-Seven
14 July '10 -- This is a shot of the Queensborough Bridge (better known to
New Yorkers as the "59th Street Bridge") from the Queens side, looking
toward ...
Future Posts As A Trucker
Hi Folks
I have started another blog for my trucking posts.
You can read them al here
Many thanks for the years of reading th...
Naaaa gut!
Jaaaaahaaaa, ich hab ja auch so schon ein schlechtes Gewissen. Ich hab Euch
vernachlässigt. Und ein paar Menschen aus dem Paderborner Freundeskreis
werden ...
Today is Saturday, August 2, the 215th day of 2008. There are 151 days left in the year.
Today's Highlight in History:
On August 2, 1776, members of the Continental Congress began attaching their signatures to the Declaration of Independence.
On this date:
In 1790, the enumeration for the first United States census began; the final total was 3,929,214.
In 1873, inventor Andrew S. Hallidie successfully tested a cable car he had designed for the city of San Francisco.
In 1876, frontiersman "Wild Bill" Hickok was shot and killed while playing poker at a saloon in Deadwood, Dakota Territory.
In 1923, the 29th president of the United States, Warren G. Harding, died in San Francisco.
In 1927, four years after becoming president, Calvin Coolidge issued a written statement to reporters: "I do not choose to run for President in 1928."
In 1934, German President Paul von Hindenburg died, paving the way for Adolf Hitler's complete takeover.
In 1939, Albert Einstein signed a letter to President Roosevelt urging creation of an atomic weapons research program.
In 1943, during World War II, Navy boat PT-109, commanded by Lt. John F. Kennedy, sank after being rammed by the Japanese destroyer Amagiri off the Solomon Islands.
In 1964, the destroyer USS Maddox suffered light damage from North Vietnamese patrol torpedo boats in the Gulf of Tonkin.
In 1990, Iraq invaded Kuwait, seizing control of the oil-rich emirate. (The Iraqis were later driven out in Operation Desert Storm.)
Ten years ago:
Cyclist Marco Pantani of Italy won the Tour de France, which had been marred by a doping scandal.
Ventriloquist Shari Lewis died in Los Angeles at age 65.
Five years ago:
Saddam Hussein's two elder sons and a grandson were buried as martyrs near the deposed Iraqi leader's hometown of Tikrit, where insurgents afterward attacked U.S. troops with three remote-controlled bombs.
Liberian President Charles Taylor agreed to cede power.
One year ago:
Mattel apologized to customers as it recalled nearly a million Chinese-made toys from its Fisher-Price division that were found to have excessive amounts of lead.
A Marine Corps squad leader was convicted at Camp Pendleton, Calif., of murdering an Iraqi man during a frustrated search for an insurgent. (Sgt. Lawrence G. Hutchins III was sentenced to 15 years in prison.)
Two small Russian submarines completed a voyage below the North Pole where they planted the country's flag on the Arctic Ocean floor.
Today's Birthdays:
Former Sen. Paul Laxalt, R-Nev., is 86.
Actor Peter O'Toole is 76.
Country singer Hank Cochran is 73.
Rock musician Garth Hudson (The Band) is 71.
Movie director Wes Craven is 69.
Singer Kathy Lennon (The Lennon Sisters) is 65.
Actor Max Wright is 65.
Actress Joanna Cassidy is 63.
Actress Kathryn Harrold is 58.
Singer Andrew Gold is 57.
Actor Butch Patrick ("The Munsters") is 55.
Singer Mojo Nixon is 51.
Actress Victoria Jackson is 49.
Actress Apollonia is 49.
Actress Cynthia Stevenson is 46.
Actress Mary-Louise Parker is 44.
Rock musician John Stanier is 40.
Writer-actor-director Kevin Smith is 38.
Actor Edward Furlong is 31.
Rock musician Devon Glenn is 28.
Actress Hallie Eisenberg is 16.
Thought for Today:
"A man who does not lose his reason over certain things has none to lose." Gotthold Ephraim Lessing, German dramatist (1729-1781).
New Homeland Security rules now allows border agents to confiscate laptops, ipods, miscellaneous papers and pocket trash from all persons (including US citizens) for no reason other than they didn't blink the right number of times when passing through Customs. All these items, and more, may be transported to off-site locations for further scrutiny and decryption. Exactly how many of the towers on 9/11 were brought down by an mp3 player? George Orwell had everything right, except the time-line.
While I can't fault the concept, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) now can regulate tobacco products. The same FDA that allowed poisoned medications in from China. That won't allow the import of cheaper phamaceuticals from Canada, even though they are made in the USA. That gave us Phen fen, Thamaldahyde, and countless more disasters. The same FDA that destroyed this year's tomato crop, when the problem was peppers. I often wonder if the "witches" of yore weren't as effective.
As I've mentioned before, Alzheimer's Disease runs in my family (mother, maternal grandfather). It now appears that overthinking, worrying and ruminating may slow the disease's progress. I may have to sit and ponder that for awhile.
One destroyer. One mk-48 torpedo. Result: Kiss the boat goodbye.
This new type of torpedo doesn't actually strike the target vessel. Instead, it detonates just beneath the keel. Effectively breaking the ship's back.
Mary Ellen
10 days before her 86th birthday, my mom left her body.
(I wrote this in November 2022)
When she entered the world Franklin D Roosevelt was the president...
Worst. Email. Ever.
My 35th birthday was on April 17th, and I spent it in about the best way I
could imagine: Dawn and I cruising up the west coast in our Piper Pacer.
The da...
Do You Know Where You Are Right Now?
My son and his girlfriend Melanie witnessed a horrific accident the other
day, one that sent a pickup truck "into the sky" and broke it in half when
it la...
Time. Where the hell has it gone? Over two years since my last post and
assurances that I would keep up with this.... Project? Disaster? Mental
dump of al...
The Ejit Returns
I’m having some serious pressure put on me to rekindle my babble and I know
I’ve been a naughty blogger. Those Canadians must be suffering from cabin
It is with great sadness, that the family of Brian announces his passing on
July 25, 2013.
Brian was diagnosed with cancer in May, and received radiation th...
1 year ago today.
One year ago today, Henry had his heart surgery. What a difference a year
can make. We are so fortunate to have the doctors, family and friends that
we h...
Latest from Germany
As Tam has stated numerous times, Europe has the ability to go from
"friendly to jackboots" in about .5 seconds. Germany might be close to that
cusp again ...
We have moved.
We have moved. By this, I mean-me, myself, and I. So, if you feel inclined,
please join me over there.The connecting link is at the bottom. Yes, I am
Buyer Beware...
Many new ways have popped up recently for purchasing big ticket items. You
no longer have to go to Best Buy to buy that camera, or a car dealer to buy
a c...
It's still the police's fault
Even though the IPCC concluded that Lee Birch was hell-bent on killing
ex-wife Anne-Marie, the papers still report this as if it was the police's
Chairs for Dispatch
In Dispatch where almost every chair is being used 24 hours a day, 365 days
a year, it becomes problematic when the chair starts to fall apart,
cushions go...
Fisking Obama’s Gun Control Speech
So, let me get this straight. We have a current President, that couldn’t
pass a background check to become a federal employee because his college
records ...
HTC Desire A11 Samrtphone High End Kualitas Tinggi
HTC Desire A11 untuk mengtahui banyak hal HTC Desire A11 tentang ponsel HTC
yang saat uni tengah beredar di psaran Lokal dan juga Internsional tentunya
Lady Driver
911R: 911 What is your emergency?
Caller: There's a car on the side of the road. There's a lady inside and
her hazard lights are on. It looks like she might...
A store employee coming to work discovered three males loading stolen
merchandise into a car then leaving. He followed while on the phone with
police. Whe...