As you might expect, the phones were very crazy and as the night wore on, so were the people. Finally transferred the phone to the dog-watch guy and he had himself and three other cabs available to finish off the night. Over all it went smoothly. Had to tell a lot of people that there were no cabs available until after 3:00 AM. And that wasn't a lie. It took until 2:00 AM to clear out our obligations in Wailea. Whew! At that point it had slowed down to a normal Friday night level of activity, and the driver who took over the phone should be capable of dispatching whatever came down the pike. If it progresses like normal then they should stay busy until 5:00 AM.
Everybody was elated that I ran the phones. The old timers knew what its like, impossible to do from the front seat of the cab. Lots of compliments from everyone, with the unsaid gratitude expressed in their voices.
And I am exhausted and hungry and tired. So Happy New Year to everybody and I'll be back after work tomorrow.

Over The Limit?
Please don't drink and drive
Please don't drink and drive

"Let's all be careful out there!"