Hayden Panettiere, who turned 18 late last August, is the current "IT" girl in Hollywood. Hounded by hordes of paparazzi every moment she is in public. Everyone wanting to watch her go into some sort of meltdown, ala Britney, Lindsay, etc.
I don't think its going to happen. This young lady seems to be very solid in her personal values. Hell, she even wears underwear when she is out in public. What Hollywood starlet does that? She can sing, act and is dang pretty. It'll be interesting watching her career.
Well, Haloscan finally fixed its problem. I see, also, that they've started adding advertisements to the top of the comments. I still like their setup and functionality better than what Blogger/Blogspot provides.***
Another night of "normality". I was asleep, on the sofa, by 11:00 PM and woke up, in my bed, just before 5:00 AM. The strange thing is that I am now aware that I am having dreams. Not that I didn't dream before, we all do, but I haven't been conscious of dreaming for over a decade. The tension level in my neck and shoulders is also decreasing. Maybe I am coming to peace with my world, finally.***
Those of you on the mainland, remember to set your clocks ahead by one hour before going to bed. Daylight Savings Time starts at 2:00 AM (local) when it will become 3:00 AM. Arizona and Hawai'i don't make this move. We'll switch back to Standard Time on the first Sunday in November.***
Enjoy your weekend. I see that Ohio and Kentucky are expecting another major snowstorm.Sorry, not a lot on the blog today. Maybe I can find something more interesting for tomorrow.

Over The Limit?
Please don't drink and drive
Please don't drink and drive

"Let's all be careful out there!"