It didn't take a genius to see what was coming but then again, the market is not controlled by bright IQs, is it.
Greed has always been the motivationing factor behind the financial markets and greed is always a loser, in the long term.
Last week's presidential debate showed that neither candidate really understands what is going on. They are both idiots. IMO.
When asked for details about their economic policy both could only paint a picture using a roller and neither provided the details that the American people so desperately sought.
A country always gets the leadership it deserves. Now we can see that what we will receive is just more of the same BS as we have always be given.
On a different topic - I appreciate all the comments I have been receiving. I do read every one but with the bad vision, trying to respond is a gigantic struggle. But please don't stop. I work very hard everyday to produce this blog. It takes me a couple of hours to do what used to take maybe 30 minutes. I haven't given up on you. Please don't give up on me.
My deepest thanks to everyone who still comes by. I still visit each of the blogs listed on the sidebar, also. I just don't leave comments because of the vision problem.
Please excuse any typos. Its just too difficult to proof read.
You friend,

"Let's all be careful out there!"