Quite a few nice "Keep the change" fares.
$40 for a $17.60
$45 for a $21.50
$20 for a $7.70
Then there was the foursome I returned to a resort, from Sarentos On The Beach, who handed me a $20 for a $9.20 and asked for $10 back.$45 for a $21.50
$20 for a $7.70
Last night was a miserable chore. Only because of the great tips did it reach "worthwhile".
My best fare of the night was at the end of my watch. From far north to far south Kihei. It was an even blend of residents and tourists and not a single one was sober. Thank goodness that none were obnoxious or slovernly, either. A bland night.
Damn hay fever has kicked in again. All the recent rain has generated a lot of plant growth on the leeward side where I live.
Found out that I shouldn't have to dispatch this week. My slot in the rotation will be next Tuesday. That was a pleasant surprise.
9 fares / 85 miles / 1st quarter $100 bracket
Reading the cab-blogs from around the world, it seems like Mau'i isn't the only place with a dramatic drop in taxi business.
I know a way to help our American economy rebound. We'll follow the latest business trend and out source the government to some company in India.
Think of all the money we'll save.

Over The Limit?
Please don't drink and drive
Please don't drink and drive

"Let's all be careful out there!"