I had the most pleasant "talk story" with this very sweet lady from the San Francisco Bay Area. Here for the Holidays and she had contacted me about a month or so ago to make arrangements to be transported to her place in Wailea. She stumbled across me about a month after I started posting and tries to stop by everyday. We chatted about everything. Her family will join her in a couple of days and we might be able to fit another coffee into our schedules. I didn't seem to frighten her, nor did she go running off screaming when she laid eyes on my ugly mug. LOL!!
It was fun meeting a total stranger, who knew me.
Again, thank you Susan.
About as I anticipated, it was slow. We should see daily increases in activity as the week progresses. All HELL should break loose on Friday or Saturday. The absolute busiest time on the island. Starts, typically, on the Friday before Christmas until the Monday following New Year's Day. Total bedlam! After that we calm down a bit through the "Winter High Season", which ends about April 15th. Right after the four weeks of "Spring Break".Even the hour or so that I spent with Susan didn't cost me a dime. There was only 2 dispatches during that entire period and I was 5th up when I went "out of service". And I was put out of my misery by my relief actually checking in at 3:45 AM. That was a shock. Thanks, Wally.
6 fares / 62 miles / 3rd quarter below $100 bracket
I came across this very interesting article in the Times of India.It just may be that the very first "Mother" city might have existed in Peru, circa 2,700 BC. That predates Egypt and Mesopotamia. The fact that a group of people came together, peacefully, for trade, rather than as a defense in war, belies long held opinions to the contrary in academia.
I don't know why but this kind of stuff just fascinates me.
And, yes, my news sources are eclectic.
Fellow Hawai'i blogger, Mel's Internet Universe Weblog, was lucky enough to be able to ride on the maiden commrcial voyage of the Hawaii Superferry. He wrote a great post and has lots of pictures from aboard. Check it out.***
Have a great day, everybody. See y'all tomorrow.Mahalo

"Let's all be careful out there!"