Well, our wonderful group leaves today. Last night was their awards banquet followed by a lot of "on campus" partying. A few went out late but didn't stay long. Couldn't, the bars were closing. Some others got a serious case of the munchies and headed to Denny's for an after hours meal. These kids are all mid-20s to mid-30s and work in high stress, big-ticket, huge commission, sales positions. It may have been an optical illusion but I think all had big $ signs, instead of pupils, in their eyes. They were the best examples of "alpha" males & females that I have seen in ages. I liked them. So much energy and drive. They should be back in 2 years. I am looking forward to their return.
3 gold and 1 silver for TMR (#27) last night. He was the "Top Gun" of the shift with 1 Wailea-OGG. 2 OGG-Ka'anapali and 1 Wailea-Ka'anapali. He metered more than 200% of what I did. I am happy for him. He is honest, responsible and reliable. Of all my associates, he is the closest to being a friend. He is also very intelligent.
The shift started slow and shifted gears about 11p. Stayed busy from then until "Murph" took over ONE-NINE from me at 5a. 5 fares on the dog-watch and I had to turn down 2 more.
The night shift didn't hang it up until almost 3a. The majority of our runs were residents. They finally had some disposable income after the free-spending visitors we've had this past 2 weeks.
I dispatch from home tonight. Whether it is my last one or not is still in flux. Que sera, sera.
19 fares / 129 miles / 1st quarter $200 bracket
Aren't the vistas at golf courses gorgeous?
Enjoy the remainder of your weekend and I'll see you tomorrow
Wailea Golf Courses

"Let's all be careful out there!"