He turns 3 today.
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Last night was these two ladies final evening on the island. They return to Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, today.If you added Tuesday night's meter with Wednesday night's meter and then doubled that sum, that is what Thursday night total was. Logged in to find 8 cabs working. 5 day shift and 3 night shift. With that many cabs on duty the "pickins" were pretty thin. Normal attrition eventually eroded that figure down to one day cab and two night cabs. By midnight only TMR and I were left and we just kept motating around our neck of the island. Never really pushed hard but, with only two cabs on, we also never stopped. The majority of my runs were tourists for a change.
I feel sorry for one young bride. Her, and hubby-to-be, and some other friends did the usual final night of bar-hopping to celebrate their last night of singledom. We moved the group a few times. At bar close, I picked up the groom and two male friends to return them to their hotel. The two friends boarded as soon as I arrived but we had to wait for the Lothario. He was asking everyone he could speak to where he could find a hooker(s). He was the classic example of "just add alcohol = instant asshole". Want to bet that he has an affair within the first week of their return to home after the honeymoon? As big of a prick as he was, he'll probably have one while on his honeymoon. I give the marriage a maximum life of two years and that is only if she is very naive.
My final run of the shift was a 6:00am to OGG from The Grand, which explains why today's post is so late. A sweet 22 year old lass from Calgary, Alberta, Canada. This was her first time traveling alone. She had spent time here and was continuing on to Australia today where she would spend time along the Queensland area of the Great Barrier Reef. I didn't get her pic but she is as cute as the dickens. Her name is Jessica.
The latest storm front passed yesterday and the island is now covered in a mass of cool air. At the end of yesterday's shift the air temp was about 76f and this morning it was 66f. The local population complained about the "cold" weather. Personally, it wasn't that uncomfortable. Kept ONE-NINE's interior at about 73f the entire night. When a front passes and the "trades" return the windward side of the islands get the moisture blown back towards them and some moderate rain. It was showery in Kihei all night and was pouring at the airport this morning.
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I have nearly 100 pics, from the USGS, of the Kiluea Volcano taken since it started erupting in 1982 or 1983. Today's PICTURE GALLERY is a small selection.THE PICTURE GALLERY
Kiluea Volcano

"Let's all be careful out there!"