Another quiet night, 7 runs, but a vast improvement, dollar-wise, over Tuesday night. Nearly doubled the meter. The period from 7:00pm to 2:00am was miserable. The saving grace were my solo period from 2:00am to 5:00am, when I brought in 80% of the shift's receipts.
From 7:00pm to 9:00pm I covered three small runs, then sat 7th up in the queue and there were no calls from 9:00pm to 10:00pm. Since I wasn't going anywhere and wouldn't be until I worked my way to the top, I decided to go home and kick back. Came back out a 1:00am and there were only three cabs left. They had one run each during those 3 hours I was on hiatus. Obviously, I didn't miss much.
Didn't have any interesting fares. Just regular people needing transportation.
Our busiest time of the year is from the Friday before Christmas through the Monday after New Years. That is a period of absolute pandemonium. That two week period will generate 2-3 months worth of average income. From then until the end of March, we stay very busy. April tapers as the snowbirds finally depart. From the middle of May to the middle of June is very quiet. That is when high school & college graduations, finals, proms and other events related to the end of the school year take place. June 15th starts the summer season, which peaks in August. September is always quiet. The weather on the mainland is generally pleasant, with schools and colleges starting their fall semesters. October sees a gradual increase in visitors and the snows began to fall in the far northern latitudes. Halloween ends the month with a massive celebration in Lahaina. If you are an adult, the two wildest places to celebrate Halloween is either in Lahaina or in Key West, Florida. Mardi Gras, in New Orleans, looks like a Southern Baptists convention compared to what occurs in those two towns on October 31st. November is quiet, with the exception of Thanksgiving week, which is very crowded here. The slowest time of the year is from the Monday following Thanksgiving to the Friday before Christmas. Those four weeks generate what is normal for one week average the rest of the year. This place is a ghost town.
Stopped by The Whaler's General Store in The Shops At Wailea to get a deli sandwich. Since it was Wednesday, there was the usual entertainment. Paused long enough to record one of the featured player's songs.
The West Mau'i Mountains
are almost perpetually crowned
with clouds
are almost perpetually crowned
with clouds

Have a great day!

"Let's all be careful out there!"