As we all noted, it wasn't correct. Even the source I cited was wrong. That page hasn't been updated for almost 2 years. I am sorry.
I would have taken taken only half the money that was paid for a study to tell them that marriage creates housework for the wives. Hell, every married woman in the world knows it.***
I am so jealous. This guy just made $2.6 million (US) for having a bright idea and acting on it.***
Violence in schools turns out not to be just an American problem. Of course, here they would have been armed with more than bats, etc.***
That $600 million boo-boo by the Dept. of Commerce, in trying to go hi-tech for the 2010 census, is now going to cost us an additional $3 billion.***
The Hawaii Superferry will resume service today between O'ahu and Maui. Which means that all the idiotic protests probably will also. I hope it becomes very profitable.***
I've mentioned "Little Beach" before. Located in the Makena area of south Maui, it is a "clothing optional" location by custom & usage. However the law in Maui forbades public nudity. Every so often MPD & DLNR does a sweep to discourage this use.This video does contain nudity and if that offends you, just don't click it. Okay.
Well, its Monday. Did you shoot your alarm clock this morning? As you head off to work, do me a favor. Take a moment to look at your surroundings. Look for the beauty and relish it.Hope to see you again tomorrow.

Over The Limit?
Please don't drink and drive
Please don't drink and drive

"Let's all be careful out there!"