Here is the Wikipedia on Hallowe'en.
If you are out driving tonight, please, PLEASE, be very careful. Kids are so excited that they might not see you. In residential areas, stay below 10 MPH. Just creep through the neighborhood as if you were a gang-banger getting ready to do a drive-by shooting. I know that is a bad analogy but you get my point.
An appropriate question for "All Hallows Eve".
Check out the DEATH CLOCK
For me:
Monday, January 18, 2016
under their "Normal" calculation.
Tuesday, March 16, 2032 under their "Optimistic" calculation
"Pessimistic" and "Sadistic" say I've been gone for over 16 years.
Maybe thats why I feel so bad all the time.
Firefox Eats Internet Explorer

I played with IE-7 and Firefox 2.0. IE-7 is a vast improvement over prior versions but doesn't even begin to approach the capabilities of Firefox.
I know that people are set in their ways and hate to change. Since IE-7 is so different from its ancestry and you'll have to learn how to use their new browser as if you were a "gnubee", doesn't it make sense to just download and upgrade to the BEST browser on the web. Firefox will work with Macintosh, Linux and Windows XP operating systems. And using "tabbed browsing" makes working on the World Wide Web so much easier.
To either get Firefox 2.o, or to upgrade your current version, just click the link on the sidebar. --> --> --> -->
If you IE users switch over, you'll finally get to see where my sidebar is supposed to be.
For our regular Monday night dinner date, I took Judy to The Shops At Wailea. We ate at CHEESEBURGER.

Really unique wall hangings in this section.

The past few weeks with Blogger/Blogspot have been very frustrating for all of us. Owned by Google, you think that the parent company would spend enough money so the 10 million of us who make Blogger the 18th most visited website on the net would be "happy campers". Its not like they are running on a tight budget. They just spent over $1 BILLION to buy YouTube.
My irritation made me create a "mirror" site using Blogger-BETA.
Everytime I make a post here, I'll duplicate it on the BETA system site (which, BTW, never experienced the outages that their "original recipe" had)
The URL is:
So if you "bookmark" or 'save to favorites" you'll have a second access point.
Both sites look the same.
This is the last of the group of images that I have been presenting of aerial shots of the coastline of south Mau'i.
Today's installment takes us from the Maui Lu Hotel north to the scenic lookout at McGregor's Point,
Maui Lu

At one time this was the heart of Kihei
Now it is the far north end
You can see the remnants
old the old wharf

With a wee bit of luck, I'll be working Lahaina tonight. Thats where the noney is on Halloween. No matter where I work, I'll try and get some pics of the various costumes and share them tomorrow.

"Let's all be careful out there!"