Like everyone on the web, I get "mass" e-mails. I never resend them, just like I don't do "memes". I occasionally share some of the better ones here. The latest one included the following images, among others, that I thought were worthy of passing along.

"Doing the job of:"
With the flags of France, Germany and Russia below it.A five-night-a-week dispatcher has been hired. So I no longer will be dispatching from my home on Sunday night and soon will not have the phone on Fridays either. Overjoyed is an understatement.
Started the night with a bitter "10-13" (noload/noshow). Prince to OGG. That would have been $65 on the meter. Oh, well. Feces occurs.
3 hours into the shift (10p) I only had 3 fares for a whopping $38. That is pitiful. I didn't even bother to count the number of cabs that were available. More than were needed, thats for sure.
Finally the day-trippers went beddie-bye and I pulled 5 runs in the 11 o'clock hour and 3 in the witching hour. No bar close but 3 on the dog-watch.
Picked up one guy last night that was a real winner. This was his wedding night and he was headed out, solo, to the bars. "Bridey" back in the bridal suite. Alone.
He asked really stupid questions and made asinine comments:
- Why can't you hit your kids?
- American women are scum!
- Your immigration policies suck!
- Where are the "tittie bars"?
- Where are the fucking hookers?
- I need a blow-job!
The tourist/residence mix (40%/60%) was about normal.
15 fares / 101 miles / 3rd quarter $100 bracket
Front Street


"Let's all be careful out there!"