When I logged on I was immediately dispatched to assist in moving 26 people from The Grand to Sansei. I never stopped moving until 11:00pm. Every cab was bouncing from one location to another, moving people to and from dinner and others off to OGG. I never got any out-of-town runs.
The Microsoft group is the type that wants to see and enjoy Mau'i. They are spending money and having fun. They are still adjusting to the time difference and all of them were back at the hotel by 11:00pm. This is not a late night crowd.
After Microsoft went home things really quieted down.
Jungle Jim G. (aka: "O-B-ONE") had the phone. He is a day driver who started a couple of months after I did. He is very competent but doesn't dispatch very often. He never "lost it" but I could tell that the sheer volume of calls was overwhelming him. It was busy but actually was what I consider a "normal" Saturday night.
7 drivers work the night shift and 6 of us have one night to handle the phone. The 7th person is in for a rude shock. All of us who dispatch have decided that if this one self-centered prima donna driver doesn't start pulling their own weight, the rest of us will refuse to dispatch to them. We are all tired of this driver being a leach. It's not that we don't like this driver as a person but business is business and fair is fair.
They have been dropping all month


A Beautiful Wave

View From Kamaole Nalu, Kihei

"Let's all be careful out there!"