Where we were busy last night is a matter of perspective. By volume of calls, no. Basically a very slow night. By driver load ratio, what calls we did get kept us very busy.
Started the night at the usual time. Took over ONE-NINE from Mary. She switched into cab #5. I had no runs pending but she was already prebooked into 3 runs and "Crazy" Brian (#15) was booked into another three. I was also awarded the phone for the shift. TMR is off for the week, Tina was off and Hardin was off. Since #5 and #15 were unavailable for the next two hours, that left just me to handle calls. Then the calls started coming in to transfer people back to their hotels from various dinner locations. I was able to handle a few but the majority were 6 to 16 people per location. They didn't want to wait for me to shuttle them, 4 at a time (ONE-NINE's maximum capacity). I don't know how they got back.
I didn't have time to worry about it.
The requests for a cab continued and eventually I was backed up about 1 hour. Shortly after 9:00pm, #15 cleared and was able to assist. #5 was enroute to OGG and then had to wait for a "Meet & Greet" coming back to town. She went home about 12:30am, she had been on duty since 11:00am.
Fielded 23 trips, 16 between 7:00pm and 2:00am and 7 more during my solo hours. Drove 190 miles (306 km).
Even after the "day" shift started logging in, I was still kept busy until 6:00am.
The picture above is of the Christmas pixie lights that wrap the trees lining the entry to The Grand. It is really beautiful.There are more below. The first one is basically the same shot as the opener but just taken in the early dawn.

"Let's all be careful out there!"