Here it is the last day of April. 1/3 of the year already gone.
To be honest with you, I didn't think I would still be around. For those few who care, the colon cancer seems to be gone from my abdomen but a mutated variant has appeared in my right lung. Yes, its a cancer in the lung but its not lung cancer. More than a semantic difference. This thing is slow growing and I am scheduled for another CT scan this Wednesday (5/5/10). From there a determination will be made as to whether I have surgery or, if they find other traces of it elsewhere, go back for another, but different, round of chemo. I have been off all meds since the middle of September. The only major residual side-effect of the last round is loss of feeling in my hands and feet. Its something nicknamed the "woolen sock" syndrome. It makes me rather reluctant to get around much since I can't sense the ground I am treading on. Doc says it should go away in 2 or 3 years, maybe. Oh, well. Feces occurs.
I know I haven't posted many words here lately but I just haven't really had anything worth saying. My thanks to those of you who still manage to drop by on occasion. You know, I started this blog just for my pleasure back in '03 and then it really grew when it became a "Cab-Blog" in '06. Now its just for my pleasure again. Don't forget to drop by my other place when you can. Almost1,200 movies available.