Sunday and Monday must have been as slow as last night was for me. "Murph" only drove 175 miles over the two days. I added 62 more.
All but 1 of my 7 fares tipped very good. The problem was that there were only 7 fares. Smallest run was $10.10 and the biggest was $17.90
That sweet family above was a short return from Sarentos on the Beach to Wailea. Dad loaded 2 strollers into the trunk and when he went to enter ONE-NINE he said:
"Aw. I wish I had a camera."I was just settling into the drivers seat, heard him, and immediately grabbed my camera and spun around.
I hope they like the shot. I e-mailed it to them.
271 miles to go. Since it is soooo slow, I have no idea how long it will take to burn up those few remaining miles. Who knows, maybe tomorrow I'll get three trips to Kapalua and a dozen or so end-of-town to end-of-town fares. And a late night run or two to the harbor.Your guess is as good as mine.
7 fares / 62 miles / 4th quarter below $100 bracket
Hyatt Regency Ka'anapali

"Let's all be careful out there!"