02-21-06 - METERED $221
02-21-07 - METERED $75
Just before bar close, I was advised that I had a late arriving flight. Delta 343 was due in at 3:30 am (normal arrival time is 4:13 pm) and the four people that I will be greeting need a van for their trek to The Grand. At 3:00 am, I switch to "double deuce" (cab #22), a huge Chevrolet Astrovan, and head for OGG. I call Delta's number (800-221-1212) to see if there is any updated information. I arrive at the airport and am still listening to Muzak, interspersed with Delta promotional ads. The airport is dark. Security didn't even challenge my presence. Finally, at 3:45 am, I actually get a real live human being on the line. I explain the situation and give him the pertinent info. He tells me that that flight number will depart at 7:00 am. Say What? I ask him if he is looking at flight 343 for the 21st or the 22nd. Oops! After a few minutes he tells me that 343 is now scheduled to arrive at 4:48 am. I call the day driver Mary (#21) to see if she is interested. She was and so I assigned her the run as a start for her day and headed back to Wailea, empty. Had to decline 3 regulars during that wasted period of time. That was a shame, since these folks typically give me $20 for their fares, the longest of which never meters over $11.50.
I am not really feeling sorry for myself. I am just frustrated with events and circumstances over which I have no control.
When the pounding stops, you'll know I have finally fallen asleep.
Thanks for dropping by.
Aerial view
Hyatt Regency Kaua'i Resort
South Shore
Hyatt Regency Kaua'i Resort
South Shore

"Let's all be careful out there!"