We actually had a fight at bar close. Not the big rumble expected, just 2 idiots with 2 more idiot "brahs". I was sitting at FoodLand and saw it start. We still had some Tac-Squad members patrolling the "Triangle" property. Their BIG Ford "crew-cab" pickup truck, emblazoned with Police decals, was parked just 3 spaces from where we sit but the perimeter patrol by marked patrol cars was diminished from Friday night. I don't know what started the fight, who does with these things, but it was just about 1/2 way up the property line from Kihei road. It got interesting when they fell into the thick shrubbery. It got stupid when the 2 "brahs" jumped into the fray, just a few moments later. It gor funny when 5 Tac-Squad guys started grabbing bodies and tossing them into the air.
No arrests. No tempory "on scene" detention. Just "kick ass" time. Ah, I remembor those days. [sigh]It was the absolute correct way to handle the incident but I wonder what it would have looked like if someone had videoed it? Few civilians understand the concept of:
"Believe none of what you hear."A "truth" that every cop adheres to.
"Believe only half of what you see."
Fairly active shift but no runs on the dog-watch. Even got to OGG. A "first-time" couple returning to "Chi ('shy') Town". The window in the right front door of #14 doesn't quite go all the way up. So close but not far enough. This causes a high pitched squeal of wind noise to pervade the cab. Irritating, to say the least. I apologized and they told me not to worry about it. They are used to that sound all winter long in Chicago and this was a lot warmer. A LOT warmer! A major reason I am "lucky to live Hawai'i".
Another night of reasonable passengers. I made it through the entire week without one problem. Rare.
More people say that reservations and occupancy are higher next week. I hope The Fates concur.
11 fares / 111 miles / 3rd quarter $100 bracket
Judy and her paramour, Richard, are in Honolulu for today's "Pro Bowl". They have tickets. So I am dropping by to "cat sit" Bob for a while each day. He really told me off when I arrived this morning. Momma hadn't come home last night and he was lonesome, and pissed. Held him, fed him and played with him and hated the look I received when I finally had to go. I'll be back tonight and will be able to stay a bit longer. Momma and Daddy will be home on Monday.

Over The Limit?
Please don't drink and drive
Please don't drink and drive

"Let's all be careful out there!"