The "Professor" returned to Saturday dispatch last night. My first run wasn't until 10:20pm. My second, and also last, run was a "flag" at 10:55pm. I "pulled the pin" at 11:40pm. It just wasn't worth it. Now he had to cover the graveyard shift. I kept being maneuvered out on runs that canceled prior to my arrival. After buying some necessaries at the grocery store, I came home with less in my pocket than I had started with. Oh, well. Feces occurs. At least I get to start my weekend early.
The State has been in the center of a huge Pacific "high" pressure all this past week. This has made for some great sleeping weather in the day for me. Humidity is very low, with very light breezes and temps topping out in the upper 70's to low 80's (25c - 27c). In fact, it has been such great sleeping weather that I actually snored through until my alarm clock went off at 5:50pm a couple of days. Thats very rare. Usually I am awake, not necessarily fully conscious, between 3 and 4 pm. Even those days where I awoke normally, I still just wanted to roll over and return to the "Land of Nod". Bear, my kitty, wasn't enthusiastic about getting up either.***
I hope everyone had an enjoyable Easter.Hope to see y'all again real soon.

"Let's all be careful out there!"