Basically, a boring shift.
15 runs and still never left town.
The only excitement of the evening was on my next to the last run at 4:17am. Responded to a request at Charlie Young Beach. 4 very drunk people (3 guys, 1 girl). I know all of them. One of the guys was celebrating his 30th birthday. Apparently they were rather loud when they left the beach and came up to the street to wait for me. Someone from one of the residences in the area called the cops and reported a large fight. About 30 seconds after I pulled up, three cop cars appeared with lights and sirens. They stopped and performed a cursory check of my passengers. Seeing no evidence of any of them having been in a fight, we were allowed to leave. Actually, the beach party was about 20 people strong and they were all walking down South Kihei Road in clumps of 3 & 4 people. I did all the talking with the cops and my passengers rewarded me nicely for keeping them out of trouble. They didn't go home though. Took them to another beach about 3 miles further north. I got the distinct impression that the girl was going to "entertain" all three guys at this new location.
To each, their own. I guess.
It's my weekend.
Working on a new slideshow and will try to get it posted tomorrow.
Our Beaches Have Sights Like This
All Year Round
All Year Round

"Let's all be careful out there!"