As you have noticed, I haven't been responding to your comments. Until this weekend HaloScan had an EDIT COMMENTS feature that allowed me to respond to each individual comment on a personal basis. It is no longer there. I sent an e-mail to HaloScan:
EDIT button missing from MANAGE COMMENTS
This issue has yet to be resolved. It would be appreciated if someone from SUPPORT would address this in the forums or some annoucement could be made in NEWS. We are looking for some type of feedback to keep your users updated.
Is this just a technical glitch or a permanent change in the features?
Thanks and hope for a response soon.
I received this response today:
DAMN!Thanks for contacting Haloscan Support- We're sorry but we have discontinued the Edit Comment Feature. We hope to bring it back with additional functionality.We apologize for the inconvenience.
Oh, well. Life is about change. Isn't it?
HaloScan has also eliminated emoticons from comments.
With all the scimitar rattling between the US and Iran, we are overlooking a unique opportunity to force the issue in a way that is sure to produce positive results. Just quit shipping cigarettes to them. That is our largest export to Iran, at $158 million annually, and, as all smokers know, if you are out of cancer sticks you'll agree to anything to get one. Anything!This is further proof of the Darwin Award's necessity.
"Dispatch, 1-ALPHA-27. I am unable to locate those cows on the roadwa...
1-ALPHA-27. Disregard last. I found them."
Even wealthy people are having to cutback in these times of dire economic pressures.
This is one of those persons that our Second Amendment of the Constitution had in mind.
“Wo jiu xihuan Zhongguo ying”. Thats the new slogan for McDonalds in Beijing this summer. It translates as “I love it when China wins.”

"Let's all be careful out there!"