Considering what the past few Tuesdays have been like, I would call last night a success. Both dayshift holdovers were gone before 8:00pm, leaving the 5 night drivers. Crazy Brian got a special that took him on an extended trek, til 1:45am, to the westside. Good money! Our globetrotting driver, Tina, is back and worked until just past 11:00pm. Kimo, TMR and I had no problem holding down the fort. Between 2:00am and 5:00am, I garnered 6 pu-pu runs, which added aboutb $40 to the nights haul.
I sat for almost 3/4s of an hour before my first run of the shift. That was a whopping run from The Grand to Joe's Bar & Grill. A massive $5.60. The next run wasn't until 8:25pm.
My third job was the most interesting. Had a sedan request for a couple at Sarentos on the Beach. There I picked up a newlywed couple from El Lay. Well, thats where they live now. He is from the Ukraine and she is from Russia. Drove Roman and Irina to a condo on the far north end of town. Since TMR was dispatching, I asked him to wish them a happy life together in either russian or ukrainian. He chose ukraine and it really choked Roman up. Later, TMR asked me to never do that again. He does not like speaking in either language, now that he lives in the US. Fair enough.
Isn't Irina beautiful?

My relief showed up at 4:45am and the dash clock read 5:01am as I shut off the engine, at home.
Beauty Along The Hana Highway

"Let's all be careful out there!"