I am functioning on shear will power at the moment. I passed "exhausted" about 3a. Lahaina Halloween - 2007 was way better than I hoped. Made my 5p reservation, picked up a third party along the way, all guys. I don't think they really captured the experience, since I did their return at 7:42p. They only spent 1 hour and 42 minutes and left before things begin to get interesting.
I got a few shots and haven't even looked at them yet. I'll publish what is usable tomorrow.
Made it back to Kihei by 2:15a and started my dog-watch. The last of the night crew departed at 2:30a and I added 4 more runs to my night. If I could have spent just a 2 more hours in Lahaina, I would probably have approached $600.
I am off to bed. I awoke about 1:30p yesterday, logged in at 4:30p and walked back in my door at 5:30a today. More about the night in tomorrow's edition of Paradise Driver.
19 fares / 259 miles / 2nd quarter $400 bracket
From The Top Of Mt. Haleakala

"Let's all be careful out there!"