Log-in and head to the front. 3 runs pending. Potluck, first to ONE-NINE's door gets the ride.
The winner was three young guys going to the "Triangle" for dinner.
While I never left town, my tips were fantastic!
The biggest was $35 paid on a $20.30, which was also my biggest fare of the shift, and the smallest was $20 on a $9.20. Maybe my Quasimodo physique is eliciting a "sympathy" tip. I'll take them any way they come.
By 9p, when I took over the phone, we were down to five cabs. Lost another one at 10p and yet another at 11p. That left 3 of us to cover the Friday night bar close. So many cars out on Tuesday nights and not enough on Friday. Well, I can't change it so I just have to deal with it.
Then it got worse. One of the guys got dispatched for a WAilea/MMMC round trip.
And then there were 2.
And we never stopped moving. Bar rush blended seamlessly into bar close. The guy that went to MMMC was back by 1:30a and snagged a Wailea to Ma'alaea Harbor. He could do no wrong last night. Then his luck ended. His last fare was "Uncle Tata", a really nice old scrawny Samoan guy. A "regular". Takes him to his house, which on a cul-de-sac off of our main drug street, a dead end road about 1/2 mile long. As he attempted to leave, the local punks had blocked the road with trash cans, boxes and boards. Then they threw stones at him when he tried to move some to clear a passage. He backed way off and called the police. Fearful that he was going to be attacked and robbed. Cringing in the shadows, he waited until MPD cleared the road.
2 runs on the dog-watch finished my night and I was home by 4:30a. Exhausted. One more to go.
17 fares / 115 miles / 4th quarter $100 bracket
Do me a favor.Please.
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Have a great weekend and I'll chat again tomorrow.Mahalo
Marriott Luau

"Let's all be careful out there!"