The poor people on O'ahu (Honolulu) only have about 25%/30% of their power restored. Only a few of the TV stations are in operation. Cell phone service is dropping out as the battery back-up systems for the cell towers go dead. Water is becoming a problem as the storage tanks run dry and there is no electricity to operate the pumps to refill them. The Honolulu Water Department only has a few generators.
The storm headed for Mau'i appears to be breaking up and we shouldn't get the drenchings that O'ahu and Kaua'i had.
As of this moment, there still have not been any fatalities directly linked to the quake. Which is great news. The property and infrastructure damage reports on the Big Island continue to mount. Most of the electricity on the Big Island has also been restored, except in the hardest hit areas. Reports from Kailua-Kona indicate that many of the hotels/resorts had significant impact on their facilities.
Here is a USGS map showing where the epicenter was and I've indicated where I live. Hope this helps you get a handle on the scene.

Took some TV dinners over to Judy's house tonight. Her cupboards were as bare as Mother Hubbards. Her cat, Bob, was as skittish as Bear, who is peacefully sleeping on his tower at the moment. All day long, he would jump whenever any one made a loud noise in the neighborhood.
Neither Bear nor Bob displayed any precognative reaction to the temblor. They both froze when it hit and didn't run for safety until it was over. Bear to his hiding spot under the bed and Bob into Judy's closet.
Later today you might want to checkout the on-line edition of Maui News (link in dropdown menu on sidebar). It is usually published around 10:00am my time (8:00pm UTC).
I want to thank all of you for the kind words of concern in both the comments and e-mails. It is very much appreciated.
Glad to see you back "on-line, Shadow.
The tree that someone asked about is a Banyan Tree.
Well, I've been awake for about 40 hours. Time for bed.
Ka'anapali Beach

"Let's all be careful out there!"