I would l;ike you to meet my Aunt Nancy & Uncle Bob. I can still remember the day they got married. They are now in their 70's

This is my Dad:

And my Mom's mother:

Well, its been tougher than I thought getting a new taxi job. Not that people don't want ME, just that business is so slow that many have shut down or drastically cut back their operations. I'll have the rent covered by the 1st, but I am going on mimimum rations. Which shouldn't hurt. Weight control has always been an issue for me. Friends have also lent me some money, just because their friends. Thank you.The surprising news is that I received a form from a life insurance company today. Turns out that when I was born, my parents took out a $1,000 policy on Mom, with me as the secondary beneficiary. Today it is worth about $5,500 and I'll receive the payout after the middle of March. That will give me some breathing room.
Doesn't life move in mysterious ways?
Forrest Gump's mama was right. Life is like a box of chocolates.
I hope you can stop back in tomorrow.

Over The Limit?
Please don't drink and drive
Please don't drink and drive

"Let's all be careful out there!"