Wow !!!!
This has been a real mess.
My computer sat down and I bought a second hand one. A big mistake as it
has a mind of its own, passwords applied and unknown...
Cabs Are For Kissing: Why The Medallion Tanked
Cabs Are For Kissing: Why The Medallion Tanked: For several years now the
most talked-about topics of conversation with passengers have been Uber and
the f...
drawing the bluebrint out on all levels. Everything seems to be coliding,
but then again it always has.
Our life has a meaning we are the direction we set...
How Do I Get To Carnegie Hall?
I stopped for a couple of passengers the other day on the Upper West Side
who announced with some enthusiasm that their destination was Carnegie Hall.
I ...
Fifty Favorites, Number Forty-Seven
14 July '10 -- This is a shot of the Queensborough Bridge (better known to
New Yorkers as the "59th Street Bridge") from the Queens side, looking
toward ...
Future Posts As A Trucker
Hi Folks
I have started another blog for my trucking posts.
You can read them al here
Many thanks for the years of reading th...
Naaaa gut!
Jaaaaahaaaa, ich hab ja auch so schon ein schlechtes Gewissen. Ich hab Euch
vernachlässigt. Und ein paar Menschen aus dem Paderborner Freundeskreis
werden ...
It established an entire genre of gritty cop drama. The writing was excellent and the casting, down to the extras, was impeccable. This was also the first major television production to incorporate the use of the handheld camera, to provide more realism. The overlapping of dialog was pioneered here also. Just like real life.
This was the pilot for the show. HSB won about every award for acting and production but was never a ratings winner. But NBC-TV kept it on for 7 seasons (146 episodes). Watch closely and you'll see quite a few young actors getting their first major break. You might just learn where the tag line on each of my posts came from.
Over The Limit? UNDER ARREST! Please don't drink and drive
Don't you hate when you forget to set your alarm? STORY
I ran into a bit of a problem yesterday about "bug bombing" my place. For some reason, my kitty decided that he wasn't going to leave the house. I tried for almost 45 minutes to capture and place him in the very large storage shed. For my efforts, I have bites, and claw marks from my elbows to my finger tips. My landlord even lent me a set of heavy gloves. He bit and clawed through them. For the rest of the day, it was growl (I didn't know cats could growl) and hiss and striking out at me if I got within 5 feet of him. We are talking reversion back to his (large) African ancestors. At this moment, close to midnight, he is asleep at my feet. He weighs, maybe, 5 pounds. He kicked my ass!
The rest of the structure was bombed successfully. So, unless I want everybody else's critters moving in with me, I have got to do it later this week. Going to have to trick him. If my next post is from MMMC, you'll know he kicked my ass again.
Planning on partying tonight? Do us all a favor - call a cab! Nothing ruins a good drunk than waking up in a jail cell, or worse.
I'll be here tomorrow, if you can navigate your way back. Keyboards do make a hell of a racket when you are hung over. Even louder than a cat stomping on wall-to-wall carpeting.
Heard this great line yesterday:
A government is a body of people. Usually, notably, ungoverned
Over The Limit? UNDER ARREST! Please don't drink and drive
Mary Ellen
10 days before her 86th birthday, my mom left her body.
(I wrote this in November 2022)
When she entered the world Franklin D Roosevelt was the president...
Worst. Email. Ever.
My 35th birthday was on April 17th, and I spent it in about the best way I
could imagine: Dawn and I cruising up the west coast in our Piper Pacer.
The da...
Do You Know Where You Are Right Now?
My son and his girlfriend Melanie witnessed a horrific accident the other
day, one that sent a pickup truck "into the sky" and broke it in half when
it la...
Time. Where the hell has it gone? Over two years since my last post and
assurances that I would keep up with this.... Project? Disaster? Mental
dump of al...
The Ejit Returns
I’m having some serious pressure put on me to rekindle my babble and I know
I’ve been a naughty blogger. Those Canadians must be suffering from cabin
It is with great sadness, that the family of Brian announces his passing on
July 25, 2013.
Brian was diagnosed with cancer in May, and received radiation th...
1 year ago today.
One year ago today, Henry had his heart surgery. What a difference a year
can make. We are so fortunate to have the doctors, family and friends that
we h...
Latest from Germany
As Tam has stated numerous times, Europe has the ability to go from
"friendly to jackboots" in about .5 seconds. Germany might be close to that
cusp again ...
We have moved.
We have moved. By this, I mean-me, myself, and I. So, if you feel inclined,
please join me over there.The connecting link is at the bottom. Yes, I am
Buyer Beware...
Many new ways have popped up recently for purchasing big ticket items. You
no longer have to go to Best Buy to buy that camera, or a car dealer to buy
a c...
It's still the police's fault
Even though the IPCC concluded that Lee Birch was hell-bent on killing
ex-wife Anne-Marie, the papers still report this as if it was the police's
Chairs for Dispatch
In Dispatch where almost every chair is being used 24 hours a day, 365 days
a year, it becomes problematic when the chair starts to fall apart,
cushions go...
Fisking Obama’s Gun Control Speech
So, let me get this straight. We have a current President, that couldn’t
pass a background check to become a federal employee because his college
records ...
HTC Desire A11 Samrtphone High End Kualitas Tinggi
HTC Desire A11 untuk mengtahui banyak hal HTC Desire A11 tentang ponsel HTC
yang saat uni tengah beredar di psaran Lokal dan juga Internsional tentunya
Lady Driver
911R: 911 What is your emergency?
Caller: There's a car on the side of the road. There's a lady inside and
her hazard lights are on. It looks like she might...
A store employee coming to work discovered three males loading stolen
merchandise into a car then leaving. He followed while on the phone with
police. Whe...