I've been up since 2:00pm.
I've done my laundry for the week
I've checked out all my favorite blogs and websites.
Had some food.
And I still can't muster up any enthusiasm to go to work.
A bad case of the BLAHS.
The brightest point of the day has been listening to my landlord's 7 year old boy play with his buddies. I wish that I could find that much fun out of simple pleasure again. I love listening to them interact with each other. Running, shouting, playing games with such abandon.
Oh, to turn back the clock 51 years.
The weather is pleasant. A bit cloudier than normal but that has kept the temperature down to a livable level. And just enough of a breeze to make the humidity tolerable.
When I feel this way my tolerance level for drunks and jerks is at the minimal threshold.
All the normal aches and pains from my abused body are protesting but that is normal.
Maybe I am just depressed. I have no idea why. This is just another day, like all of those before.
Oh, well.
Talk to y'all tomorrow.
To my daughter-in-law, Kellie.
Over 18 but not old enough to draw Social Security.
Happy birthday, sweetheart.
I called off.

"Let's all be careful out there!"