Two major differences between last night and Thursday night. Business was way down and the day drivers held over through the "good" portion of the night. Diluting the income that the night crew received. When the owner transferred the phone to me at 9p, he told me to tell "prima-donna" (#18) to go home. I did. She refused. Stayed until almost 11p Pissed at me, of course. When she eventually called "10-2" my response was just "finally".
Almost the entire crew at night is seriously considering just quiting. Makes no sense to come out if you can't earn an income.
On three of my four dog-watch fares, when they called and I told them that I would be at their location in 10-15 minutes, they bitched. Thought that was too long to wait for a cab. Yeah. Whatever.
I was 7th up when I logged on, out of 9 cabs. Finally got a Four Seasons to Aroma d' Italia (one of my favorite restaurants). A newlywed couple from Queens.
One hour and 45 minutes later they were my second fare when I returned them to Wailea. They agreed with my opinion of Aroma. One of the best Italian restaurants I have ever eaten in. Anywhere.
When I dropped them, another guest at the Four Seasons "flagged" me and I had a return to the "Triangle" area.
Another 90 minutes passed before it was my "turn" again. Like I said, slow. A couple of bar-close and 4 during the "dog" hours.
Finally turned ONE-NINE over to "Murph" at 4:45a and slithered home.
10 fares / 100 miles / 2nd quarter $100 bracket
May this weekend be relaxing for all of you. See you tomorrow.
Hana Area

"Let's all be careful out there!"