In fact the most excitement I had during the entire shift was seeing these two Lamborghini at the entrance to the Kea Lani. They would make one hell of a police pursuit vehicle.

Did 18 runs and never left the "South Side". In fact, I was the only car in Wailea for almost three hours and stayed busy doing pu-pu runs from one hotel to another.
Some newlyweds, some vacationers, some college kids from Alberta, some kama'ainas. Everyone was pleasant and as boring as white bread.
Even "bar close" was mellow. The worst that it got was when I took two guys from the "Triangle" to The Palms, in Wailea, and the drunker one kept softly repeating, "I am so fucking drunk", the entire 10-minute trip. His buddy would gently respond, "You sure are", each time.
I didn't get an OGG run to confirm it, but the meter seems to be ticking away properly now. Flor, my relief, told me that "The Jerk" had taken ONE-NINE to the "meter man" yesterday afternoon, who apparently worked his "magic".
Wouldn't you really love to own one?

"Let's all be careful out there!"