Wouldn't this be a horrible place to be stranded?

All this sand?

Surrounded by thousands of miles of water.

It must really be a bitch.
Friday night got off to a slow start and gradually deteriorated.
None of us were moving. By 11:00pm I had a total of 5 runs.
About 11:10pm the airline concierge service at OGG called. Two different flights (America West and Air Canada) had failed to depart. 200 people needed to be taken to hotels, in KAANAPALI!!! Thats an $85+ trip. Dispatched all of us (6 cabs) to the airport. and we spent until 3:00am moving people.
Unfortunately, the concierge was only able to find accommodations for the America West passengers and those from Air Canada had to sleep in the airport.
All these trips are paid by airline vouchers and include a 15% automatic gratuity.
Plus, we all arranged return trips, for tonight, back to the airport.
To put it mildly, DAMN! It was a good night.
The photos are, obviously, post cards from Mau'i. Couldn't find anything interesting to take a photo of.
"Let's all be careful out there!"