Started the night with a short pu-pu run in north Kihei. Then kicked back until I picked up these wonderful people.
This was the couple that I picked up from OGG the prior shift, when the America West flight was canceled. Took them back to the airport for an 11:00pm attempt to depart again. John and Jen are from New Jersey, just across the Hudson River from NYC. I made sure that they had my card in case of "deja vu".
The rest of the night was pretty blah. 5 more runs through bar close and 2 during my solo period. The last one being to OGG from The Grand. Some "day trippers" from Hobbs, NM, doing the tour of Honolulu. This is their first time on Mau'i. Depending on the time frame, I have a slim, a very very slim, possibility of picking them up tonight when they return.
The only bar with any significant number of patrons was Mulligans. Wednesday night is "Industry Night", and people who licensed to serve alcohol get drinks and food at 1/2 price.
Mau'i County requires that all persons who work in any establishment that purveys spirits, in any manner, must pass a written test regarding the liquor laws and must possess a County issued ID card/license. Besides bars and restaurants, it also includes all package sale locations (liquor store, grocery store, etc.). The businesses also must have a license to sell or dispense.
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Back Road To Hana

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Is anyone else as frustrated with Blogger/Blogspot as me?
Oh, I don't plan on moving. I am just expressing my displeasure. Seems the more they try to fix things, the worse it becomes.
Today's STATUS PAGE says they'll be down for up to 90 minutes today starting at 2:00pm PDT (UTC-7).
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To answer some recent questions:
My friend, Judy, stands about 5-foot (152.40 centimeters.) tall.
Her cat, Bob, and my cat, Bear, are the same size and weight.
They are both such babys that they would probably just hiss a few times and then play.
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Had a fare a couple of nights ago that asked me about myths and legends on Mau'i. I couldn't think of any. I know they exist but couldn't draw any to mind.
So here is one that I've heard.
As a seafaring people, the ancient Hawai'ians had a reverence for land. They traveled the entire Pacific Basin from one small island to another. Navigating by the stars and having an uncanny ability to tell the difference between clouds over water and clouds over land. Their belief was that you always gave to the land and never took from it. It was KAPU (taboo, forbidden) to take rocks or soil from an island. If you did, the the Goddess PELE would cause bad luck to befall you.
One of the things that tourist like to do is take rocks from the island. Every year various state and federal agencies, and private concerns, receive thousands of rocks mailed back to Mau'i. The people sending them are trying to rectify their error and restore their live to normalcy.
Take it for what it is worth.
These pictures are all of various locations along the southside of Mau'i.
Nukuele Pt.

"Let's all be careful out there!"