Details and other google info about it.
I lucked into a "Triangle"/Ka'anapali fare about a quarter til 1a. As I entered Lahaina, there were traffic cones in the roadway and a lot of signs along the edge of the highway. [sidebar]"Highway" is kind of a loose term. On the mainland, what we call a "highway", in our rural areas of Mau'i, would just be a good ol' county road.[/sidebar]All the way into Ka'anapli. It looked like it might be for some sort of running event. As I started the deadhead back, it was now 1:30a, and my foggy brain finally accessed the right neuron and I realized that the Marathon must be today. A few years back it was in the early Spring and we had to call out cabs to cover the multitude of fares from the south-side to the Queen Ka'ahumanu Center (the "mall" on Mau'i) over in Kahului. If we hustled, we could bet three or four trips. This year we had no reservations and the 1 call I received at 2:45a to get there I had to delay for 30 minutes, I was busy, and they called back and canceled.
The "greenbacks" were good last night. Not REAL good, but good. We weren't that busy and had more cabs than we needed, as usual. Started the shift with a run from the Kea Lani to OGG, after waiting an hour. Then the normal series of bar-rush fares. The dog-watch coughed up some extra change.
Sadly, I had to pass on to "Murph", my relief, a trip to OGG from the Four Seasons. A really nice couple who had specifically requested me but "Murph" and I share ONE-NINE and it would have made him lose an hour of his shift. I was exhausted, it IS the end of my week, and I knew he could use the money. The other 2 early cabs also had fares across the island and the early part of today looks rather active for them.
8 fares / 135 miles / 4th quarter $100 bracket
I have today off but next Sunday I'll start dispatching from 6p to 2a again. I need the money but I am going to have to pace myself so I don't overdo it. My energy levels aren't full.No interesting e-mails this week so I don't have the slightest idea what I'll post tomorrow. It'll be a surprise for all of us.
Hana Area

"Let's all be careful out there!"