And on Sunday; March 9th, at 2:00 AM; Daylight Savings Time will begin in most of North America.
Did any of my UK readers feel that earthquake earlier this week? By California standards, no one would have missed a beat but it is pretty dramatic for the British Isles.
I have been doing a lot of channel surfing in the evenings. TV is rapidly approaching the oft quoted "vast wasteland" and the demographics for the most popular shows must target an average IQ of 90 (or less). No wonder I spend the vast majority of my down-time on the net.
Read a poll, recently, that said if the election comes down to Clinton and McCain they are each rated at 49% of the vote. A dead even tie. Obama vs. McCain has the Democrat taking the White House, 57% to 39%. So that means the only chance that McCain has is to assist Clinton in sinking Obama. Politics do make strange bedfellows.
Have you folks on the mainland had enough Winter yet? Sweden had the mildest winter in its history this year. Oh, well. All that snow means that most of the major rivers in America should probably crest flood stage this Spring and Summer. Doesn't that just make your day?
HEROES returns to production in April, with the series returning to TV in September. Thats one thing to look forward to.
All's well at my end. Very bored. Make my daily phone calls and maybe something might turn up next month.
Now this video is interesting, if you enjoy "street art".
I hope each of you has the best day of your life, so far.See you tomorrow.

Over The Limit?
Please don't drink and drive
Please don't drink and drive

"Let's all be careful out there!"