Whenever I open one of Van's (Maui Action Photos) e-mails, all I know to expect is something good. Again, I wasn't disappointed.
A pretty good shift. We all stayed busy during the dinner period and also were occupied with moving a couple of wedding groups around.
I never left the south-side, though I should have. Maui Jim (#17) was dispatching and screwed up the SOP for a trip from Maui Meadows to Lahaina. I questioned his choosing the wrong cab.
Details of why are only understandable to us who work with them.He told me I was wrong.
Hell, I am the one who created the "night rules" dispatching system over 5 years ago. I was NOT wrong! I had said my piece over the radio and don't believe in harping on an issue where everyone can monitor, it just ain't kewl.
About 30 minutes later, Jim asked me to call him. He abjectly apologized and admitted that, on reflection, I had been correct and the Lahaina trip should have been mine. Out of his own pocket he paid me what 40% of the meter (the part I get to keep) would have been.
That was a "class act" on his part. Then he announced on the radio that he had been wrong and I was right, so the issue shouldn't come up again
I don't always like Jim, but I have always respected him.
And that was the only interesting event of my "day".
I covered 15 runs and metered in the mid-high 100's.
Not really bad at all for this time of year and, especially, THIS year.
We haven't even reached Memorial Day yet. Do you think we'll be over $4 a gallon by The Fourth Of July? I do.
Has anyone else noticed that the really high gas prices, in the States, are in those which went "Blue" last election. Odd.
Oh, if anyone should ask.This conversation never occurred.
Isolated Beach On Kaua'i

"Let's all be careful out there!"