Added a new cab-blog, from Eugene, OR, USA.
"Through A Winshield, Darkly".
Deleted the cab-Blog "Kuntry Kabbie", for a multitude of reasons.
Added "Day Cabbie", a lady cabbie from San Francisco, CA, USA
Added "The Blank Top Chronicles", the postings of a cab dispatcher in Arlington, VA, USA
Added our favorite meter reader's new blog,
"Dogbait's Babble".
Added "Mark's Tech Stuff".
Added "Mel's Internet Universe Weblog"
Added an entire new links catagory:
COP'S BLOGS, with 21 links to blogs about Police/Fire/EMS folks.
Deleted all the flags and icons that I had next to each blog-link.
Updated the links on each of the flags below the banner so that they again connect to "The CIA Worldbook Of Facts". Only had to change "http:" to "https:", 70 times. That added "S" indicates that it is a secure website.
Cheers, mate. If you want to post a comment on anything, just e-mail me and I will post it for you.
"TMR Alex" did collect my money from Speedi-Shuttle about 4:30pm, yesterday. But not without a hassle. They claimed to not have any cash available, even though a ton of cash was plainly visible on the counter. Seems they were doing a shift change and didn't want to be bothered by giving out money when they had already counted their cash drawer. He was persistent and finally collected the funds for me.
"Revenge shall be mine, sayeth the cabbie."
Flickr: Photos from macprohawaii

"Let's all be careful out there!"