One of my favorite things in life is driving. As with all males of my generation, turning 16 meant getting my license. My ticket to freedom.
Last January I began having trouble seeing in bright sunlight. Even with my sunglasses. Then I hit that deer in late February. As March passed, I noticed that even my night vision wasn't as acute as it used to be. In April, I spent some of my savings to get an eye-exam. The results were not good. By the time I moved to California, at the end of May, my corrected vision was worse than 20/400 and getting "more badder" by the day. I can still "see" in a technical sense. Movement, general shapes, etc. but all details are gone. I don't watch TV because its just blobs moving across the screen. If I want to see a show, I watch it on the web, where I can get my nose about 4 inches from the laptop's screen. The worst problem is that contrast is gone. Web sites with the typical dark fonts on light backgrounds are almost invisible. I can still easily read places like mine and Lugosi's. Where we use light fonts on dark BGs. Just trying to compose this blog each day is a pain. And I see that more and more typos are slipping in. Which makes me feel/look like an idiot.
I have applied for disability, and am awaiting the process to grind slowly through the paperwork. I am also in application for every kind of benefit I might be elegible for. I am flat broke. I have used every single penny I have been able to save. Only the kindness of my son and family is allowing me to stay alive.
Please bear with me as I attempt to come to grips with this change. I am no longer an independent ol' cuss. I hate that. Death will probably be a blessing, if things don't improve.
Anybody who leaves a sympathy comment will be banned. In fact, I would prefer no comments at all on this post. Please, respect that. Okay.
So much for my problems. The rest of you have wonderful lives ahead. Go out and enjoy them

"Let's all be careful out there!"