My last year of "middle-age". Next year I officially become a "senior citizen". I know the old adage about only being as "old as you feel" but I typically feel much older than I really am. The physical side has really deteriorated, mostly due to injuries, but the mental side is as sharp and youthful as ever.
RESPONSESFroneAmyThanks for the tip about adjusting time. It works in both the "original" recipe and the "ecta kwippie" versions. Learned something new.
june in floridaJune, we are actually in our fall slow period. It doesn't start getting busy until the Friday before Christmas. Then all hell breaks loose. Our slowest period is from the Monday following Thanksgiving (fourth Thursday in November) until the Friday prior to Christmas.
peggyI have never seen a whale breaching. occasionally I see the spouts from their blowholes in the distance, but that is even rare. Its hard to see anything when it is dark. I seldom venture out in daylight.
Most of the people I haul around are boring. Its that 1% that give me something to write about.
brianI didn't hear about the
shark attack until late last night. "We" aren't really shark food. Most attacks are a case of mistaken idenity. They bite, taste, and release. Probably doing the shark equivalent of spitting and going "blah!" It was most likely a reef shark. Tiger sharks are night feeders and only attack in daylight when there is "brown water" from rain run-off. Oh, I lived for a very short while at the USAF base at Goose Bay, a very long time ago. Hated those "white-outs". Going from one building to another by holding onto and following a guide rope.
g.s.Bar close on Mau'i is at 2:00am. Each county sets their own liquor laws. "Last Call" is normally about 1:15am, "push out" is 1:45am. The doors must be closed and locked by 2:00am and only employees are allowed inside the bar after closing hours. You are not allowed to hang around and drink coffee for a hour, as is common in California.
Most of the major hotel/resorts on the island also have a "Cabaret License" (allows them to stay open until 4:00am). Except for New Years Eve, most hotel bars close at 11:00pm to prevent disturbing their room guests. The vast majority of visitors are here for "sun, sand and surf", rising at dawn and settling in at sunset.
barryThe closest thing stateside to this type of negotiation would be a stoic western rancher doing business with a neighbor. The late
Richard Farnsworth would be a good example.

"Let's all be careful out there!"