My old phone finally gave up. Fully charged and the power would be gone (battery dead) by the third ring. So, now I have a new Motorola MotoRazr v3m, with BlueTooth. Signed up on a contract (2-years, ugh) but now I have a reliable phone.
That cost me almost 90 minutes of prime driving time. I actually made some money, though. I went a bit high on the minutes because I am going to add the number to my biz cards and get my fares to call me for their returns directly. By-pass dispatch and stop losing those fares that failed to ask for me specifically. The increased income will more than cover the additional cost.
Didn't have one fare of interest. Run-of-the-mill jobs. The tips were good though.
My turn to dispatch again tonight. This will probably be my last Friday with the phone for a while. Adding "Crazy" Brian to the rotation, another driver on vacation next week and some other minute factors will change the queue sequence.
Haven't received any negative feedback about dispatching from home last Sunday, so I guess that problem is solved.
8 fares / 87 miles / 1st quarter $100 bracket
Did you know that today is the 126th anniversary of The Gunfight At The OK Corral? Wyatt Earp and clan kicked some ass that day.***
TGIF everybody and have a spectacular weekend.Hope to see you again real soon.

"Let's all be careful out there!"