Her birthday is tomorrow, the 13th.
I have been so tired lately that I slept all of Sunday. Woke up about 11:00pm and went back to bed about 5:00am Monday morning and slept until 2:00pm this afternoon.
With no plans for today, I might actually turn on my TV for awhile. With the schedule I work and the time differences for the satellite/cable feeds from the mainland I usually have 78 channels of "info-mercials" to watch.
The trade winds have died off for a bit and you know you are in the "tropics". Very hot and humid. My apartment doesn't have a/c but the windows are open and the fans are running, moving sticky air from one place to another. I am drinking a lot of iced tea. I seldom drink alcohol. In fact, I bought a 6-pack of beer around New Years and there are still 5 bottles left in the fridge. Might be 4 after tonight. Or maybe a nice gin'n'tonic later.
Talk to y'all tomorrow.

"Let's all be careful out there!"