Had another successful puker. Taking two young ladies to their apartment complex. A short 1.3 mile trip. At the midpoint The girl behind me made that unmistakable pre-vomit sound. The other girl shouts
"Pull..."I am at the curb. Instantly!
"...over!"Puker is trying to comprehend how the electric window switch functions.
"Open the fucking door! NOW!" I barked.Girlfriend opens the door and shoves Puker half-way out.
A police car cruises slowly by. I have my emergency flashers activated and I am still partially in the traffic lane. Then he u-turns and pulls up across from me.
"Everything okay?"He creeps away.
"Just a puker. Amateur drinker."
"Okay. Good luck."
Finally Puker has spilled her guts to the world and we finish this pleasure trip. The cop had followed me into the apartment complex.
Having two positive experiences with pukers in one week is unprecedented. I think that qualifies as "Good Karma".
13 fares / 86 miles / 3rd quarter $100 bracket
As the image shows, we are almost "there". "Murph" will probably add 300, or so, miles today and tomorrow. Occasionally ONE-NINE is used on the Wednesday "Day" shift. I think it will occur between "Hump" day and Friday.Left of the "Date-Line", its Monday. Deal with it.
Right of the "Date-Line", tomorrow is Monday. Deal with it.
Ma'alaea Bay

"Let's all be careful out there!"