The local high schools had their commencement exercises on Friday and Saturday night. Another class of Hawai'i public school graduates with the best 2nd-grade (year-2) education that money can buy.
As is normal on Mau'i, about half of the girls needed a babysitter.
Hopped into ONE-NINE, at the beginning of the night, and glanced at the digital clock
Then what few brain cells I still have functioning reminded me that the battery in ONE-NINE had needed replacement. The "pre-sets" on the radio had vanished also.
New battery!!
The OEM battery, that has been in its death throes for the past couple of months, lasted almost 6 years. Impressive. Murph, ONE-NINE's day jockey, told me the replacement was a "7-year" one, so I'll give it 3. Like cop cars, taxis run a heavy electrical load.
The tips ran the gamut of 0 to 100 percent and averaged 50% of the meter, at the end of the night. About normal.
I am sitting here looking at my trip sheet. Not one fare was memorable. A blend of "touristas y locals". The bread & butter of my occupation. Just ordinary people going about their business. Fading from existence as quick as they close the door. The "Janes" and "Joes" who populate the world.
Well, it is the start of my "week-end". Time for dinner. Tickle Bear's tummy, until he gets pissed and draws blood. Turn on the "idiot box" and fall asleep.Enjoy the rest of your weekend, America.
For the rest of the world, just take Monday with a grain of salt. Preferably rimmed on a margarita glass or two.
D. T. Fleming Beach

Red Sand Beach

"Let's all be careful out there!"