Wow !!!!
This has been a real mess.
My computer sat down and I bought a second hand one. A big mistake as it
has a mind of its own, passwords applied and unknown...
Cabs Are For Kissing: Why The Medallion Tanked
Cabs Are For Kissing: Why The Medallion Tanked: For several years now the
most talked-about topics of conversation with passengers have been Uber and
the f...
drawing the bluebrint out on all levels. Everything seems to be coliding,
but then again it always has.
Our life has a meaning we are the direction we set...
How Do I Get To Carnegie Hall?
I stopped for a couple of passengers the other day on the Upper West Side
who announced with some enthusiasm that their destination was Carnegie Hall.
I ...
Fifty Favorites, Number Forty-Seven
14 July '10 -- This is a shot of the Queensborough Bridge (better known to
New Yorkers as the "59th Street Bridge") from the Queens side, looking
toward ...
Future Posts As A Trucker
Hi Folks
I have started another blog for my trucking posts.
You can read them al here
Many thanks for the years of reading th...
Naaaa gut!
Jaaaaahaaaa, ich hab ja auch so schon ein schlechtes Gewissen. Ich hab Euch
vernachlässigt. Und ein paar Menschen aus dem Paderborner Freundeskreis
werden ...
One "Gulf" nation fulfilled Dubya's wish of democracy in the region. Kuwait held their regularly scheduled elections on Saturday. The results were hardcore Islamists now hold more seats in the Majlis (legislative body). Most young Kuwaitis want economic expansion after seeing the growth in Dubai (UAE) and Qatar. Two places that haven't let democracy interfere with business interests. "Fearless Leader" has a pretty poor track record regarding democracy in that area. Look what has happened in Lebanon and the occupied Palestinian Territory when they held elections. Anti-American hardliners won in both situations. Those ballots weren't influenced by "hanging chads". Be careful what you ask for. You just might get it.
Do you think this past weeks decision by the the California Supreme Court to allow same-sex marriage in that state is the final one. Don't be so sure.
One GI found a unique way to get himself out of Iraq. Use the Koran for target practice. I wonder if the local PX (post exchange) is having a "run" on it now? According to the story he was a pretty good shot also. A lot less painful than shooting oneself in the foot.
This gives a whole new meaning to the line "You light up my life":
In the LOVE HURTS category. Almost a runner up for the Darwin Award.
I posted about the new Tesla Roadster earlier. Well, Bob of Taxi Tales found a video, which I have pilfered to show you.
Thanks, Bob.
It sure is quiet. Just the sound of the tires on the pavement.
Over The Limit? UNDER ARREST! Please don't drink and drive
Your kids want to lick the screen whenever The Cooking Channel is on.
Montana is a huge state with a sparse population. And I think its Governor, Brian Schweitzer, deserves a standing ovation from all of us. This was a a real class act on his part.
Today marks the 28th anniversary of the eruption, at 8:30 AM (PDT), of Mt. Saint Helens, killing 57 people and doing $3 billion (1980) in damage. To over half the population, thats something they may have read about in their history books. I am looking forward to the day the Iraqi War will be just a small footnote in some textbook.
This guy came this close>>>|_|<<< to earning a Darwin Award. Some people are just lucky.
Dubya is lecturing middle-east leaders to adopt democracy and allow for the equality of the sexes. These cultures are still in the "rape, pillage and plunder" mindset. His efforts are as wasted as if he had tried to explain what a quark is to a newborn.
I wonder if Lifetouch National School Studios Inc. will institute mandatory drug and pysch exams for its employees after what was done to the photos in the McKinney(TX)High School yearbook? See what happens when your "source" sells you some "really killer bud."
Hmm. Bush is from Texas. Maybe THAT explains the last 7.5 years. He claims he gave up nose-candy and booze but never said a damn word about "smoke."
Over The Limit? UNDER ARREST! Please don't drink and drive
He was on SNL last night. And made this reference to questions about his age:
"Controlling government spending isn't just about Republicans or Democrats. It's about being able to look your children in the eye. Or in my case, my children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, great-great-grandchildren and great-great-great-grandchildren, the youngest of whom are nearing retirement."
Now thats funny. I wonder if one of his staffers wrote the joke or someone from SNL? If it was the later, then he needs to hire that person full-time.
I am sure you have already heard about Senator Edward "Ted" Kennedy (D-MA), the second longest serving Senator currently seated, had a seizure yesterday. As a representative of his State and a national leader, he has served his country very well. As a man, he has been a proverbial "trainwreck in slow motion." I think he never could figure out how to emerge from behind his older brothers' shadows. Wonder what his future personal and political plans are? He wields so much power "inside the beltway" that I can't imagine him actually retiring.
Called "The sport of kings", horseracing might just get its first "Triple-Crown" winner since 1978 in 3 weeks at the running of the Belmont Stakes. Big Brown has the first two jewels of the crown in hand hoof with his win yesterday at The Preakness and the earlier win at The Kentucky Derby. Of course, many others have come this far to walk away empty at the end.
Rescue efforts continue in China. Now more bodies are being recovered than victims rescued. And conditions continue to deteriorate.
And rescue and aid efforts still are being thwarted in Burma/Myanmar. Chose any story you want. You might note that some world leaders have started calling for the use of military force to provide humanitarian aid.
Think the child sex-slave industry is just located in poor small third-world nations? This story might just open your eyes to its global nature. Including right here in the good ol' USofA.
Thanks much for your visit. It warms my heart.
I'll be back later with more.
Enjoy your Sunday.
Over The Limit? UNDER ARREST! Please don't drink and drive
Mary Ellen
10 days before her 86th birthday, my mom left her body.
(I wrote this in November 2022)
When she entered the world Franklin D Roosevelt was the president...
Worst. Email. Ever.
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The da...
Do You Know Where You Are Right Now?
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it la...
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The Ejit Returns
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July 25, 2013.
Brian was diagnosed with cancer in May, and received radiation th...
1 year ago today.
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Latest from Germany
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"friendly to jackboots" in about .5 seconds. Germany might be close to that
cusp again ...
We have moved.
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Fisking Obama’s Gun Control Speech
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records ...
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yang saat uni tengah beredar di psaran Lokal dan juga Internsional tentunya
Lady Driver
911R: 911 What is your emergency?
Caller: There's a car on the side of the road. There's a lady inside and
her hazard lights are on. It looks like she might...
A store employee coming to work discovered three males loading stolen
merchandise into a car then leaving. He followed while on the phone with
police. Whe...