A pretty good Saturday night. Only 10 trips but a couple were long (out of town) and most passengers tipped very nicely.
The "Professor" had dispatch duty and, sure enough, somehow an "open" run from Lahaina to The Grand became his "special". I was just too tired to press the issue about his cheating. Just another loop in the knot of his "hangman's noose". His "day" is just a short time away and all of Saturday night's drivers are going to have a very intense discussion with him.
Spoke with the "Triangle's" solo security officer last night. He is extremely frustrated. Too many bars. Too many people. Too many fights. He can't be everywhere at once. Trying to negotiate the parking lots is a real bitch. People standing everywhere and not wanting to clear the drive areas for the passage of cars. You know the score. A couple of drinks and everybody becomes an "instant asshole". The women are as bad as the men. We are having trouble getting into and out of the area when making pick ups. Also spoke with a couple of MPD's "Blue Meanies" and they also can't believe how badly the situation is deteriorating.
There are only 3 ways to get the Kalaupapa Peninsula. By water, by light plane or by riding a mule down the shear face of the Pali (seacliff). You have seen the Moloka'i Pali if you have ever seen the movie Jurassic Park. They are the steepest seacliffs in the world. 3,314 ft (1,010 m) from the crest to the coast, all vertical. Click the link in THE PICTURE GALLERY to learn more.THE PICTURE GALLERY
Hawai'ian Islands

"Let's all be careful out there!"