Judy & Dave had invited me to their home for dinner. Dave has a brand new gas BBQ grill and wants to show it off. I was to be the beneficiary (or victim) of his culinary skills.
Actually, he's a great cook and BBQ'd "whatever" always is great.
The fates had different plans.
On my way out, I stopped by the landlord's and paid June's rent. He told me that there had been a bad accident on the Pi'ilani highway, near Safeway. Traffic was backed up for miles and had been for hours. All highway traffic, both north and southbound, was being diverted from Pi'ilani down to Kihei road. Kihei road is just a two lane roadway and was totally overloaded. Utter gridlock. These are the only two roads that go north/south and there are no secret shortcuts to be used.
Since the highway was closed for that long, the accident had to be a "fatal". One of the major delays is that a medical examiner must be flown in from Honolulu. Then M.A.I.T. (Major Accident Investigation Team) has to do a mapping survey and gather evidence at the scene. Anywhere from 12-24 hours before the scene is cleared and the roadway reopened.
I came home and fixed a couple of hotdogs.
Another "Click Through"


Sleepy Hollow is a private street that feeds to 12 rental homes in the middle of Kihei.
The only "english" street name in Kihei.
Your job could be asking, "Would you like to try a 'value' meal"

or reminding other to ask, "Would you like to try a 'value' meal"

"Let's all be careful out there!"